Presbyopia operation in Tenerife and Las Palmas

Questions Operation of Presbyopia (Tired Vision) with multifocal lens

What requirements do I have to meet to have surgery?

Any candidate to be fit must first be evaluated in consultation.

At what age does presbyopia usually appear?

The usual thing is that it appears from the fourth decade, around 45 years of age.

81% of those over 45 and 98% of those over 65 suffer from presbyopia in Spain according to the latest estimates.

Is it possible to prevent presbyopia?

No. Tired sight arises as a natural process in which the lens is affected by the passage of time and the aging of the organs, so it is not possible to prevent it.

Is the intervention painful?

The patient does not experience pain, as anesthetic drops are used in the eye and conscious sedation.

Can I have presbyopia if I have myopia, hyperopia, and astigamtism?

Yes, as long as the ophthalmologist determines it appropriate. In this way, in a single intervention, several refractive errors could be solved.

Does presbyopia surgery prevent cataracts?

The operation for presbyopia or eyestrain will prevent the appearance of cataracts permanently, since it replaces the lens that is not working properly with a multifocal intraocular lens. However, the ophthalmologist will determine if this intervention is indicated according to the characteristics of the patient.

When will I be able to resume my daily activity?

Recovery is usually quick, if postoperative indications are followed correctly.

What is the result of the operation?

The patient will have a clear vision of the near environment without their distant vision being affected.

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